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Principal's Coffee Today, CAASPP Testing Next Week!

Hello JLS Families, 

Happy Friday!  While our 8th Graders have  started their CA Science Tests this week, all JLS students will be following a special CAASPP Testing Schedule next week - Monday, April 15 through Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Please note, all of our school days will continue to start at 8:30 AM, and our dismissal times will remain the same as usual, with exception to Tuesday, April 16 with a 3:10 PM dismissal (5 minutes earlier than normal). 

I will be happy to share more information about the CAASPP tests and answer questions at today's Principal Coffee from 8:45-9:30 AM. 

Please help your child be well prepared for our annual CAASPP tests by: 

  • Charging their Chromebook
  • Getting a good night's rest 
  • Eating breakfast in the morning and eating a snack for Brunch (Lunch times are later than normal)
  • Arriving at school on time

CAASPP Testing: Your child will take the following tests, depending on their grade level or instructional program:

  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) - April 15 & April 16 
  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for Math - April 16 & 17
  • California Science Test (CAST) Grade 8 only - April 11 & 12 

Below is our special bell schedule for next week.  Note that this is only specific to JLS.

It is important for us to obtain results that are reflective of PAUSD’s student body. The assessment results allow PAUSD and JLS Middle School to evaluate our student achievement on State standards and identify the challenges and successes to better serve our students. To learn more about these tests go to the Starting Smarter webpage at, or review the Parent Guides to Understanding at

If you have questions, please contact our counselors: 

Thank you, 

Chris Grierson, JLS Principal, (