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History / Social Studies

Gregory Clifton

Teacher - Social Science
Social Studies, Grade 7

Leeann Constant

Teacher - 6th Grade
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6

Elizabeth Estrada

Teacher - 6th Grade
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6

Julia Ann Jacobsen

Teacher - 6th Grade
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6

Tom Jacoubowsky

Teacher - Social Science
Social Studies, Grade 8, Connections

Kerri Jung

Teacher - 6th Grade
AVID, Social Studies, Grade 7

Elizabeth Lewis

Teacher - 6th Grade,Teacher - English
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6, Connections

Ashley Lucey

Teacher - 6th Grade
Science, Social Studies, Grade 6

Diane Luu

Teacher - Social Science
Social Studies, Grade 7, Connections

James Meininger

Teacher - 6th Grade
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6

Jenifer Nevels

Teacher - 6th Grade,Teacher - Leadership
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6

Katherine Schramm

Teacher - 6th Grade
English Language Arts, Social Studies, Grade 6, Connections

Megan Shelby

Teacher - Instructional Lead,Teacher - Social Science, Instructional Lead
Social Studies, Grade 8

David Tomatis

Teacher - Social Science
Social Studies, Grade 8

Additional Information

Academic Honesty means being honest about the sources of the information you use in all school assignments and projects that have included research. Students learn to cite their resources and create Works Cited pages to give proper credit for their research. Below is a link to more information on plagiarism, taking information from a source and claiming it as your own without giving credit to the source.

Plagiarism defined.